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A typical timeframe is 24 hours to 48 hours on business days. We have the ability to expedite results when there is something clinically urgent (eg. requiring surgery and/or immediate medical attention). Many referrers have in built software now to say your results are in so please make a booking to discuss. Please note we can never provide your report to you directly – it must come from your referring practitioner.

We cannot perform a medical examination without a referral from an accredited practitioner. A referral must be dated and signed (handwritten or electronic is fine), have patient information and information around the requested test.
In this scenario we have to charge the patient a fee for the service provided. We can provide an invoice and receipt which you can then use to claim through your insurance. It is out of our control how much (if any) your insurance company will reimburse you and we hear stories of full amounts being reimbursed and of nothing being reimbursed. This is largely dependant on your insurance policy whether it be private health, travel or student insurance.